Dr. Bogdan C. Dumitru's picture

Bogdan C. Dumitru

Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science,
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Bucharest


With over 25 years in the cybersecurity industry, I've helped building one of the most succesfull and technically advanced companies in the field. My career has spanned from programmer to CTO.

In recent years, I have increasingly dedicated my time and expertise to academia, focusing on both teaching and research. I have served as a teaching assistant for courses such as Logic, Probabilistic Programming and Logic Programming.

Currently I teach

Research Interests

My research interests are in Computational Combinatorics, Ramsey Theory and Machine Learning. Mostly, I am chasing unsolved and intriguing problems using computational methods. My current research focuses on two specific topics:

I actively seek collaboration on research projects that blend theoretical foundations with computational approaches.

Contact Information

bogdan.dumitru [at] fmi [dot] unibuc [dot] ro