Research interests
Current research interests are in the area of logic for specification and verification, with a particular focus in many-sorted modal logic. Former research belongs to the area of many-valued logic, which I approached from various perspectives: logical, algebraic, probabilistic.

Habilitation in Computer Science, FMI, UB

[DBLP]  [Zentralblatt]   [Google Scholar]  [ORCID iD iconORCID]


Awards. Grants. Fellowships

Teaching (mostly in Romanian)





Past courses (selection)


Papers in Journals/Proceedings/Collections

43. DELP: Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Security Protocols (with Bogdan Macovei). arXiv:2109.05599, FROM 2021, Proceedings of SYNASC 2021(accepted).

42. Many-Sorted Hybrid Modal Languages (with Natalia Moangă and Traian Florin Şerbănuţă), JLAMP 120, 2021, arXiv:2007.01709

41. From Hybrid Modal Logic to Matching Logic and back (with Natalia Moangă and Traian Florin Şerbănuţă), FROM 2019, EPTCS 303, 2019, 16-31. arXiv:1907.05029

40. Operational semantics and program verification using many-sorted hybrid modal logic (with Natalia Moangă and Traian Florin Şerbănuţă), TABLEAUX 2019, 446-476. arXiv:1905.05036

39. A many-sorted polyadic modal logic (with Natalia Moangă and Traian Florin Şerbănuţă), Fundamanenta Informaticae 173 (2-3), 191-215,2020. arXiv:1803.09709

38. On the semisimple tensor product of MV-algebras, (with Serafina Lapenta), Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2019, doi:10.1016/j.fss.2019.07.008.

37. Infinitary logic and basically disconnected compact Hausdorff spaces, (with Antonio Di Nola and Serafina Lapenta), Journal of Logic and Computation 28(6), 1275-1292, 2018. postprint.

36. An analysis of the logic of Riesz Spaces with strong unit (with Antonio Di Nola and Serafina Lapenta), Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169(3), 216-234, 2018. arXiv:1607.08030v3

35. Towards game semantics for nuanced logics (with Denisa Diaconescu), FUZZ-IEEE 2017, doi: 10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2017.8015600.

34. Notes on divisible MV-algebras (with Serafina Lapenta), Soft Computing 21(21), 6213-6223, 2017. arXiv:1605.01230

33. A general view on normal form theorems for Lukasiewicz logic with product (with Serafina Lapenta), in "Concepts of Proof in Mathematics, Philosophy and Computer Science". Dieter Probst and Peter Schuster (eds.). Ontos Mathematical Logic. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin. pre-print

32. Scalar extensions for algebraic structures of Lukasiewicz logic (with Serafina Lapenta), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra  220, 1538-1553, 2016 [doi:10.1016/j.jpaa.2015.09.017]. arXiv:1410.8298 

31. Stochastic independence for probability MV-algebras (with Serafina Lapenta), Fuzzy Sets and Systems 298, 94–206, 2016.

30. Towards understanding the Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture via MV-algebras (with Serafina Lapenta), Fuzzy Sets and Systems 276, 114-130, 2015. arXiv:1410.5593

29. Mutually exclusive nuances of truth in Moisil logic (with Denisa Diaconescu), Scientific Annals of Computer Science "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Univ. of Iasi, vol. 25,  69-88, 2015 (special issue dedicated to Professor Sergiu Rudeanu on his 80th birthday).

28. The Riesz MV-algebra hull of an MV-algebra (with Denisa Diaconescu ), Mathematica Slovaca 65(4) (2015), 801–816, 2015 (special issue in honor of Antonio Di Nola). arXiv:1410.8438

27. Lukasiewicz logic and Riesz spaces (with Antonio Di Nola), Soft Computing, Volume 18, Issue 12, 2349-2363, 2014. arXiv:1309.1575

26. Lexicographic MV-algebras and lexicographic states (with Denisa Diaconescu and Tommaso Flaminio), Fuzzy Sets and Systems 244 (2014), 63-85.

25. Adding Real Coefficients to Lukasiewicz Logic: An Application to Neural Networks, (with Brunella Gerla and Antonio Di Nola), F. Masulli, G. Pasi, and R. Yager (Eds.): WILF 2013, LNCS 8256, pp. 77–85, 2013.

24. State-complete Riesz MV-algebras and L-measure spaces, S. Greco et al. (Eds.): IPMU 2012, Part II, CCIS 298, 226–234, 2012.

23. Hahn-Banach theorems for MV-algebras, Soft Computing, Volume 16, Issue 11, 1845-1850, 2012 .

22. Riesz MV-algebras and their logic (with A. Di Nola), Proceedings of EUSFLAT-LFA 2011, 140-145.

21. Metric completions of MV-algebras with states. An approach to stochastic independence. Journal of Logic and Computation 21, Issue 3 (2011), 493-508.

20. Tensor products of probability MV-algebras, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 16, No. 3-5 (2010), 405-419.

19. A determination principle for algebras of n-valued Lukasiewicz logic, Journal of Algebra 320 (2008), 3694- 3719.

18. α-convergence and complete distributivity in MV-algebras, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Vol. 12, No. 3-4 (2006) , 309--319

17. Order convergence and distance on Lukasiewicz-Moisil algebras(with George Georgescu and Andrei Popescu), Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 12 (2006), no. 1-2, 33-69.

16. Similarity MV-algebras (with Brunella Gerla), Fundamenta Informaticae, Volume 69, No. 3 (2006), 287-300.

15. Non-commutative Lukasiewicz propositional logic, Archive for Mathematical Logic, Volume 45, No. 2 (2006), 191-213.

14. Many-valued logics and similarities (with Brunella Gerla), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference IPMU (2004), 477-484.

13. MV-algebras with operators: the commutative and the non-commutative case (with Paul Flondor), Discrete Mathematics, Volume 274, No. 1-3 (2004), 41-76.

12. Extension of probabilities defined on MV-algebras, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti - Matematica, Volume 52, No. 1 (2003), 23-30.

11. Tensor Products of MV-algebras (with P. Flondor), Soft Computing 7 (2003), 446-457, 2003.

10. MV-modules (with Antonio di Nola and Paul Flondor), Journal of Algebra, Volume 267, No. 1 (2003), 21-40.

9. Cauchy completions of MV-algebras (with Richard Ball and George Georgescu), Algebra Universalis, Volume 47, No. 4 (2002), 367-407.

8. Local pseudo-MV algebras, Soft Computing, Volume 5, No. 5 (2001), 386-395.

7. States on Perfect MV-algebras (with Antonio di Nola and George Georgescu, V. Novak, I. Perfilieva (eds.), Discovering the World With Fuzzy Logic,  Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing  57, Physica, Heidelberg, 105-125, 2000.

6. Towards a probability theory based on Moisil logic (with George Georgescu), Soft Computing, Volume 4, No. 1 (2000), 19-26.

5. A representation theorem for monadic Pavelka algebras (with George Georgescu), Journal of Universal Computer Science, Volume 6, No. 1 (2000), 105-111.

4. Probabilities on Lukasiewicz-Moisil algebras (with George Georgescu), International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Volume 18, No. 3-4 (1998), 201-215.

3. Monadic and closure MV-algebras (with George Georgescu and Afrodita Iorgulescu), Multiple-Valued Logic, Volume 3, No. 3 (1998), 235-257.

2. Convergence in perfect MV-algebras (with George Georgescu), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, Volume 228, No. 1 (1998), 96-111.

1. Conditional probabilities on Lukasiewicz-Moisil algebras, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti - Matematica, Volume 47 (1998), 55-64.

Books and Handbook Chapters

2. MV-algebras and Lukasiewicz logic (with Antonio di Nola), P. Cintula, P. Hajek, C. Noguera (eds.), Handbook of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic - volume 2, Studies in Logic,  Vol. 38, College Publications, London, 469-583, 2011. Preliminary version.

1. Contributions to the theory of MV-algebras: MV-modules, Editura Universitara, Bucuresti, 2009. Volume based on my PhD Thesis.

as Editor

1. Algebra and Probability in Many-Valued Reasoning, Special issue. Studia Logica Volume 94, No. 2, 2010. Edited by Ioana Leustean and Vincenzo Marra.


Conferences/Workshops/Special sessions (as organizer)

Invited talks

Other talks


Ioana Leuştean
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Bucharest
Str. Academiei 14, sector 1,
010014, Bucharest, Romania
Email: ioana.leustean at
Office: room 209