macro "use" e:term : tactic => `(tactic| refine Exists.intro $e ?_) set_option autoImplicit false /- Lab Test - Logic for Multiagent systems Fill the `sorry`s below. You may **not** use the `simp` tactic or theorems from the standard library for the proofs in Exercises 2 ... 5. You are **not** allowed to import external libraries. Each exercise is worth 1 point. You can use a local Lean installation, or the web editor at: At the end, submit at: one Lean file titled LastName_FirstName_Group. -/ /- **Exercise 1**: Define the `exp : Nat → Nat → Nat` function such that, for all `a b : Nat`, `exp a b` computes `aᵇ` (`a` to the power of `b`). The definition must be given via structural recursion. We follow the convention that 0⁰ = 1. -/ def exp (a : Nat) (b : Nat) : Nat := match b with | 0 => 1 | Nat.succ b' => a * exp a b' section variable (p q : Prop) /- **Exercise 2**: Prove the following theorem. -/ theorem ex2 : ¬(p ∧ ¬¬q) → (p → ¬q) := by intros h hp gq have hnnq : ¬¬q := by intros hnq contradiction have : p ∧ ¬¬q := And.intro hp hnnq contradiction end section variable {α : Type} (p : α → Prop) (q : Prop) /- **Exercise 3**: Prove the following theorem. -/ theorem ex3 : (∀ x, p x → q) ↔ ((∃ x, p x) → q) := by apply Iff.intro . intros h h' cases h' with | intro w hp => specialize h w exact h hp . intros h x hp have : ∃ x, p x := by use x assumption exact h this end section /- **Exercise 4**: Prove the following theorem. -/ theorem ex4 : ¬(∀ p q : Prop, (p → q) → (¬p → ¬q)) := by intros h specialize h False True contradiction end section opaque Box : Prop → Prop prefix:max "□" => Box set_option hygiene false in prefix:100 "⊢K" => KProvable inductive KProvable : Prop → Prop where | tautology {p : Prop} : p → ⊢K p | modusPonens {p q : Prop} : ⊢K p → ⊢K (p → q) → ⊢K q | K {p q : Prop} : ⊢K (□(p → q) → □p → □q) | necessitation {p : Prop} : ⊢K p → ⊢K □p open KProvable variable (p q r : Prop) /- **Exercise 5**: Prove the following theorem. -/ theorem ex5 : ⊢K (□□(p ∨ q) → □□(q ∨ p)) := by have l₁ : p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by intros h cases h . apply Or.inr assumption . apply Or.inl assumption have l₂ : ⊢K (p ∨ q → q ∨ p) := tautology l₁ have l₃ : ⊢K □(p ∨ q → q ∨ p) := necessitation l₂ have l₄ : ⊢K (□(p ∨ q) → □(q ∨ p)) := modusPonens l₃ K have l₅ : ⊢K □(□(p ∨ q) → □(q ∨ p)) := necessitation l₄ exact modusPonens l₅ K end