About Me

Research Center for Logic, Optimization and Security
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Bucharest

I am a Ph.D. student in Mathematics, at the University of Bucharest, since October 2023, supervised by Laurențiu Leuștean, working on proof mining and applications in optimization. My undergraduate studies in Applied Mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Bucharest were completed with a thesis on attacks on the RSA cryptosystem. After that, I followed the Advanced Studies in Mathematics Master's program and finished with a thesis on (post-)quantum cryptography.

For more details about me, please check my CV.

Membership: Association for Symbolic Logic

Potential future events

Past events

Teaching at University of Bucharest

2023 - 2024

Cryptographic Protocols (3rd year tutorial, Spring Semester)
Mathematical Logic (1st year tutorial, Spring Semester) - course webpage
Advanced Cryptography (1st Master's year tutorial, Winter Semester)

Contact Me

You can contact me at the following email address:

nicoleta.dumitru [at] my [dot] fmi [dot] unibuc [dot] ro