Research Interests
- Logics and their applications to computing
- Algebraic specification, formal methods for software engineering
- Algorithms, Programming using logics, Term Rewriting and Rewriting Logic
Declarative Programming -
An introductory course on (functional) declarative programming concepts and implementations.
Concurrency in Programming Languages -
A hands-on review of concurrency constructs and approaches in various programming languages (Java, C++, Erlang/Elixir, Javascript, Python).
Programming Languages Semantics -
An introductory course on (operational) semantics of programming languages. Concepts covered: designing interpreters; defining type systems; proving program equivalence and type safety.
Foundations of Programming Languages -
A more hands-on version of the course above (using Haskell and Prolog). Including an introduction to logic programming.
Introduction to Machine Learning (for non computer-scientists) -
A hands-on introduction to machine learning techniques using
Professional Experience
Prototyping a Zero-Knowledge Prover for Matching Logic
Specifying Semantics for blockchain-related programming languages using the K semantic framework
Designing state-of-art analysis tools based on cutting-edge research
- Using the K Framework to build a semantics for the C++ language
- Sound and maximal causal models for predicting concurrency problems in Java and C
Specifying and proving properties about mathematical models for distributed systems protocols
Project leader for the K semantic framework.
PhD Thesis
A Rewriting Approach to Concurrent Programming Language Design and Semantics. PhD Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. December 2010.
Selected Papers
Validating Labelled State Transition and Message Production Systems: A Theory for Modelling Faulty Distributed Systems. Vlad Zamfir, Mihai Calancea, Denisa Diaconescu, Wojciech Kołowski, Brandon Moore, Karl Palmskog, Traian Florin Şerbănuţă, Michael Stay, Dafina Trufaş, Jan Tušil.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.12662 (2022--2024).
Operational semantics and program verification (using many-sorted hybrid modal logic). Natalia Moangă, Ioana Leuștean, and Traian Florin Șerbănuță. TABLEAUX'19. 2019
Maximal Causal Models for Sequentially Consistent Systems. Traian Florin Serbanuta, Feng Chen and Grigore Rosu. RV'12, LNCS 7687, pp 136-150. 2012
An Overview of the K Semantic Framework. Grigore Rosu and Traian Florin Serbanuta. J.LAP, Volume 79(6), pp 397-434. 2010
A Rewriting Logic Approach to Operational Semantics. Traian Florin Serbanuta, Grigore Rosu and Jose Meseguer. Information and Computation, Volume 207(2), pp 305-340. 2009
Extending Parikh Matrices. Traian Florin Serbanuta. J. of TCS, Volume 310(1), pp 233-246. 2004