Paul Irofti

About me: 
 Resume (RO)
 Security Seminar


 Sisteme de Operare
 Utilizarea SO
 OS Security
 Vedere Artificială
 Static Analysis
 Prelucrarea Semnalelor
 Calcul Numeric
 Anomaly Detection

 [E-mail address]

Static Analysis

General Information

Information about the course can be found in the first set of slides.

The course has two parts:

  1. Specification and verification of security protocols.
  2. Static Analysis.

The first part will be taught by Ioana Leuștean.


In the course we will work mainly on the blackboard, but we will use in parallel the following slides.

  1. Dataflow Analysis
  2. Variable and Memory Space Analysis
  3. Abstarct Domains
  4. Domain interaction
  5. Reduced Product. Type Casting and Wrapping.

Seminars and Laboratory

At the seminar we will prove the theorems, lemmas and propositions presented at the course and will also work out static analysis of specific programs.

At the lab you will need to implement and analyze simple C programs using the following static analysis products.

  1. Frama-C
  2. LLVM static analysis tools
  3. cflow

Seminar Exercises


[1] A. Møller and M.I. Schwartzbach, Static Program Analysis, Department of Computer Science, Aarhus, 2018. [ HTML | PDF ]
[2] A. Simon, Value-Range Analysis of C Programs: Towards Proving the Absence of Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities, Springer, 2010. [ HTML ]